Hey there! I have some exciting news for you!
I will be participating in Camp NaNo again, in July!
So, I'm kind of stuck. I already have a book started, and plan on working through that. I have too many unfinished manuscripts, and I'm not starting a new one.
But that's not my problem.
I've been drifting in and out of planning my story. At the moment, I have 9 days to do planning, and don't feel very up to it. I really enjoy what I call 'free-range' writing.
Definition Time!
Free Range Writing: When you are left alone to randomly write, no editing, without any written plan. You may have somewhere you want your story to go, but nothing too organized that you could say to your friend, "Hey, this is my plan!"
That's basically how I roll. I'm not into organized writing. I've done NaNo two times before, and I've free-ranged it all the way. But, I didn't win either way. That's why I'm thinking that I should plan. But, all the planning that I've tried is extremely elaborate and not fit for for something like Camp. I'm in to details, and I like to have everything exactly how I like it. Camp NaNo is more about throwing something quick together and throwing yourself into the writing. It's about your momentum.
And now that I've slept on it and everything, I've come up with a plan.
I've decided to create a writing agenda. For me, this is going be useful in a few ways. 1. I will see my goals in front of me and hopefully feel motivated; 2. I will have some actual goals, which will help me control my writing and have a manageable amount of writing; 3. I can have a little bit of short term planning. And you guys can totally use this. I will be putting some of my useful tools with tutorials and examples. I will be putting up some screenshots on their and descriptions. I thought that that would be very helpful during Camp NaNo.
Good luck with your writing. I will try to post during Camp, but no guarantees.